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The Heist

There are three people: a blonde named Stacy, a red-head named Mary, and a guy named Jack.

One day Mary says "I think we should rob a bank." And everyone agrees.
So the next week after much planning they all set it up. "Now remember me and Mary are going to circle around for two minures, got it?" Says Jack, "Okay." Says Stacy.
They drive away and two minutes pass and they come back. Stacy hasn't come out. 3 minutes pass, 4 minutes pass, 10 minutes pass, and after 11 minutes Stacy comes runing out with a safe that has been tied up and a guard with his pants down chasing after her. Stacy jumps in the car and they drive off.

Imidietly Mary says, "I told you to blow the safe and tie up the guard!!!"
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