Adult Jokes
Animal Jokes
Bar Jokes
Blonde Jokes
Children Jokes
Chuckcha Jokes
College Jokes
Computer Jokes
Deep Thoughs
Dirty Jokes
Family Jokes
Fart Jokes
Funny Quotes
Gender Jokes
Jew Jokes
Knock Knock Jokes
Lawyer Jokes
Medical Jokes
Military Jokes
Misc Jokes
Mother in Law Jokes
New-Russian Jokes
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Redneck Jokes
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Sports Jokes
Traffic Cop Jokes
Yo Mama Jokes
Shooting Accident
As a pregnant woman walked into a bank one day, a man dressed in black came in and shot her three times in the stomach. She was immediately rushed to the hospital.
She survived and had three children... two girls and one boy.
About ten years later, one of the daughters went up to her mother and said..."mom, something really weird happened to me. Yesterday when i was taking a crap I passed a bullet through my ass!"
The mother thought for a moment remembering the shooting that happened and told her daughter not to worry about it.
The next day, the second daughter went up to her mother and said "mom, something really weird happened to me. I was taking a crap the other day and I passed a bullet through my ass...". The mother told her not to worry about it.
The next day, the son went up to his mom and said "hey mom, guess what happened to me?"
The mom interupted - "let me guess, you passed a bullet through you ass too???"
Then he replied "no... I was jacking off and i shot the dog!"
More Children Jokes:Father asks his son:
Starting To Swear
"Daddy, do you keep in mind faces well?"
Like a Peanut
Indian Names
Grown-Up Words
Kill A Mouse
First we learn children to walk and to speak, after - to be ...
What do you want for Xmas?
What That Was