What The Ribs Are For
A little boy goes to the drugstore for some condoms. He goes up to the
pharmacist and asked him, "Sir, can you tell me where the ribbed
condoms are?"
The pharmacist replied, "Son, do you know what condoms are used for?"
"Sure do" replied the boy, "They keep you from getting venereal
"Yes, that's true," said the pharmacist, "but do you know what the ribs
are for?"
The little boy thought for a moment, then looked up at the pharmacist
and replied, "Well, not exactly, but they sure do make the hair on the
backs of them goats stand up."
More Children Jokes:Mother asks her son upon coming home:
Weird Names
Plane Conversation
Little Johnny
Kill A Mouse
Making A Baby
Too Young
Vovochka is watching his parents making love in the bedroom ...
Whiskey Lesson
The son asks his dad: