Adult Jokes
Animal Jokes
Bar Jokes
Blonde Jokes
Children Jokes
Chuckcha Jokes
College Jokes
Computer Jokes
Deep Thoughs
Dirty Jokes
Family Jokes
Fart Jokes
Funny Quotes
Gender Jokes
Jew Jokes
Knock Knock Jokes
Lawyer Jokes
Medical Jokes
Military Jokes
Misc Jokes
Mother in Law Jokes
New-Russian Jokes
Political Jokes
Redneck Jokes
Relationship Jokes
Religious Jokes
Sports Jokes
Traffic Cop Jokes
Yo Mama Jokes
Virgin Brides
A mother had 3 virgin daughters. They were all getting married within a short time period. Because Mom was a bit worried about how their sex life would get started, she made them all promise to send a postcard from the honeymoon with a few words on how marital sex felt.
The first girl sent a card from Hawaii two days after the wedding. The card said nothing but "Maxwell House". Mom was puzzled at first, but then went to the kitchen and got out the Maxwell House jar. It said, "good, till the last drop".
Mom blushed, but was pleased for her daughter. The second girl sent the card from Vermont a week after the wedding, and the card read: "Benson & Hedges". Mon now knew to go straight to her husband's cigarettes, she read from the B & H pack: "Extra Long. King Size". She was again slightly embarrassed, but still happy for her daughter.
The third girl left for her honeymoon in the Caribbean. Mom waited for a week nothing. Another week went by and still nothing. Then, after a whole month, a card finally arrived. Written on it shaky words: "British Airways". Mom took out her latest Harper Bazaar magazine, flipped through the pages, fearing the worst and finally and finally found the ad for the airline. The ad said: "Three times a day, seven days a week, both ways".
Mom fainted.
More Gender Jokes:Girls Night Out
Nymphomaniac Convention
Men Should Listen
20 truths about men
3 Last Requests
Mr Right Application
Christmas - Getting Into Heaven
Coming Home Late
asian lesbian