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Superball Fever

A guy named Bob receives a free ticket to the Superbowl from his company.
Unfortunately, when Bob arrives at the stadium he realizes the seat is in
the last row in the corner of the stadium -- he is closer to the Goodyear
Blimp than the field.

About halfway through the first quarter, Bob notices an empty seat 10 rows
off the field right on the 50 yard line. He decides to take a chance and
makes his way through the stadium and around the security guards to the
empty seat.

As he sits down, he asks the gentleman sitting next to him, "Excuse me, is
anyone sitting here?" The man says no.

Now, very excited to be in such a great seat for the game, Bob again
inquires of the man next to him, "This is incredible! Who in their right
mind would have a seat like this at the Superbowl and not use it?" The man
replies, "Well, actually, the seat belongs to me, I was supposed to come
with my wife, but she passed away. This is the first Superbowl we haven't
been to together since we got married in 1967."

"Well, that's really sad," says Bob, "but still, couldn't you find someone
to take the seat? A relative or a close friend?"

"No," the man replies, "they're all at the funeral."
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Current rating: 4

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