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Some Strange Church

karl was telling his buddies back on the farm about his first visit to a big city church. "When I got there, they made me park my old pick-up in the corral," he began.

"You mean in the parking lot," interrupted Jeb, a more worldly fellow.

"Then I walked up the trail to the door," karl continued.

"The sidewalk to the door," Jeb corrected.

"Inside the door, I was met by some dude," karl went on.

"That would be the usher," explained Jeb.

"Well, the usher led me down the chute," said karl.

"You mean the aisle," Jeb said.

"Then, he led me to a stall and told me to sit there," continued karl.

"Pew," retorted Jeb.

"Yeah," karl recalled. "That's exactly what the pretty lady said when I sat down beside her."

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