Adult Jokes
Animal Jokes
Bar Jokes
Blonde Jokes
Children Jokes
Chuckcha Jokes
College Jokes
Computer Jokes
Deep Thoughs
Dirty Jokes
Family Jokes
Fart Jokes
Funny Quotes
Gender Jokes
Jew Jokes
Knock Knock Jokes
Lawyer Jokes
Medical Jokes
Military Jokes
Misc Jokes
Mother in Law Jokes
New-Russian Jokes
Political Jokes
Redneck Jokes
Relationship Jokes
Religious Jokes
Sports Jokes
Traffic Cop Jokes
Yo Mama Jokes
Caddy-Golder Dialogues
Golfer: "I've played so poorly all day; I think I'm going to go drown myself in that lake."
Caddy: "I doubt you could keep your head down that long."
Golfer: "I'd move heaven and earth to be able to break 100 on this course."
Caddy: "Try heaven. You've already moved most of the earth."
Golfer: "Well, I have never played this badly before!
Caddy: "I didn't realize you had played before, sir."
Golfer: "Caddy, do you think my game is improving?"
Caddy: "Oh yes, sir! You miss the ball much closer than you used to."
Golfer: "Please stop checking your watch all the time, caddy. It's distracting!"
Caddy: "This isn't a watch, sir, its a compass!"
Golfer: "Caddy, do you think it is a sin to play golf on Sunday?"
Caddy: "The way you play, sir, it's a sin any day of the week!"
Golfer: "This golf is a funny game."
Caddy: "It's not supposed to be."
Golfer: "That can't be my ball, caddy. It looks far too old."
Caddy: "It's a long time since we started, sir."
Golfer: "Do you think I can get there with a 5-iron?"
Caddy: "Eventually."
Golfer (screaming): "You've got to be the worst caddy in the world!"
Caddy: "I doubt it. That would be too much of a coincidence!"
More Misc Jokes:Lion tamer
One Last Song
Little Johnny
US Navy
Sherlock Holmes
Lunch Break
Britney Joke- Locked Car
Crazy Bus-Ride
the duck and the crackers
Biting Nails