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Fucked Duck
In the days of the Depression, a family had trapped a few ducks. As they needed some things only money could buy, the father requested his three sons take a duck each and travel around trying to sell them. They agreed and headed off on seperate ways.
The youngest of them knocked on the door of a nearby farm house and a shapely young blonde farm girl answered the door.
"S'cuse me ma'am" said the guy. "I'm wunderin' if y'd be intrested in buyin this here duck frum me". The woman replied "I'd sure like me that plump duck to cook fur our supper, but I aint got no money to spare". "How about a fuck for it?" she asked. The man didn't hesitate and replied "Sure!".
After they'd done the deal, the lonely farm girl said "If'n yer fuck me again - ya can have the duck back".
So he did, and afterwards headed off along the road with the duck still under his arm. Soon a large truck roared past the man which frightened the duck so much that it jumped out of his arms and right under the wheels where it was squashed.
The truck driver stopped and got out to speak with the man who explained that he was out trying to get money for his family by selling the duck. The truck driver felt remorse and offered the guy a dollar for his trouble. The man agreed and headed for home with the money in his pocket.
That evening as they all gathered around the table, the father asked them how they did.
The first son replied "I done good pa, I got me three dollars fur my duck".
The second son replied "I done better 'n him pa, I got five dollars".
Then the third son leaned back in his chair showing a cheeky grin and said "I done better 'n all uf yers, I got a fuck for a duck, a duck for a fuck and a buck for a fucked up duck!".
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Ed Zachary Disease
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