Adult Jokes
Animal Jokes
Bar Jokes
Blonde Jokes
Children Jokes
Chuckcha Jokes
College Jokes
Computer Jokes
Deep Thoughs
Dirty Jokes
Family Jokes
Fart Jokes
Funny Quotes
Gender Jokes
Jew Jokes
Knock Knock Jokes
Lawyer Jokes
Medical Jokes
Military Jokes
Misc Jokes
Mother in Law Jokes
New-Russian Jokes
Political Jokes
Redneck Jokes
Relationship Jokes
Religious Jokes
Sports Jokes
Traffic Cop Jokes
Yo Mama Jokes
15 Ways to be Annoying
1) Spend all day at a fast food restaurant, seeing how long it will take until your free refills cost money.
2) If paged, wait until midnight to answer the call.
3) Construct an elaborate display of ropes in your backyard and tell your neighbors that you're a "spider person."
4) When attending a movie you've already seen, yell out: "Don't let him in! He's the killer!"
5. When buying a goldfish at a pet store, ask the salesperson how often you should walk it.
6) When in a crowded elevator, say loudly: "I hope I fixed it this time."
7) Beep when a large person backs up.
8) Look around suspiciously in public and tell onlookers about the "little men."
9) Insist on making inanimate objects "dance"
10) Occasionally talk into your hand in public.
11) Carry a duffel bag onto an elevator, wait until it's full, then ask if anyone knows how to disarm a bomb in less than 19 seconds.
12) When stopped at a traffic light during rush hour, claw desperately at the roof of the car.
13) Insist that someone accompany you to the public rest room because of Henry, the toilet monster.
14) While carpooling, make swervy turns while imitating crash noises.
15) Insist that life is "one big musical," then try to prove your theory by randomly breaking out into song in public.
More Misc Jokes:Ed Zachary Disease
Dog Fart
A Cheap Train-Ride
Things Not To Say In Bed
The Risk of Being Adopted
Court Humor
Parrot Sex
Deductive Reasoning
Piss Off A Cop