In a restaurant, a Frenchman, a Chinaman, a German, a Russia...
In a restaurant, a Frenchman, a Chinaman, a German, a Russian, and a Jew all were served tea, and in each glass there was a fly floating. The Frenchman looked at the fly, threw up, and ran out. The Russian drank tea and swallowed the fly. The German pulled the fly from the tea, sucked it thoroughly, threw the fly to a garbage can, and drank his tea. The Chinese ate the fly and left the tea intact. The Jew sold the tea to the German, the fly to the Chinese, and ordered another tea.
More Jew Jokes:- How many cost a dozen of your eggs?
"How did the Mariinsky hollow happened to be?"
At the Russian War College, the general is a guest lecturer ...
Two Jews met, one of them having only one arm
Why is it that Jews like to watch pornos in reverse?
"Why jews perform a circumcision?"
An Ukrainian died and was sent to hell
In a restaurant, a Frenchman, a Chinaman, a German, a Russia...
The shortest joke: "Jew - street-sweeper"
A Jew comes to a horse race club